On Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:23:16 GMT Alan F <***@xverizonxx.net> wrote:
| What is your setup for sound? It is not uncommon, although they have
| gotten better at this, for the broadcast for a specific network or cable
| channel program to have bad audio sync. TNT-HD used to so frequently
| have a bad sync problem that it became a joke on avsforum, but I have
| not observed it on TNT-HD in some time. If the sync occurs on one HD
| channel or for one HD program, the problem is not Fios, but with the source.
If there had been created a universal transport stream format that interleaved
the video and audio together on a frame by frame or at least group by group
basis, along with timing tags for each such chunk, then we would not be having
such sync problems.
A local broadcaster had frequency A/V sync issues with programs fed over the
Pathfire satellite service. I looked into one of these machines and noticed
that the entire video and entire audio were fed separately. If the satellite
signal had a glitch that caused some loss of content, the timing could then
be off by however much content could not be recovered.
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